I hope you all tell friends about this blog and get the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world . Share what God is doing in your lives, and let the unbelievers hear that God Lives ! That His Son Jesus, is on stand by, He is waiting for His Fathers words (Go Ye) gather My elect from the four corners of the world! Repent, wash thine hands of wickedness ,like a thief in the night , in a blink of an eye, behold thy redeemer draws neigh . Come Jesus ! No more pain.sickness,death,sorrow, and no more tears . Behold God is God and He makes all things New!
Revelations of Jesus Christ 21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of GOD is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be HIS people, and GOD shall be with them, and be their GOD.



www.comeJesus30@yahoo.com  Jesus stated in Matthew 24 that just like the days of Noe were it was business as usual up until the flood came. Destruction comes upon them unaware . Well all they had was a family building the biggest boat getting ready for a storm . 8 were protected in the ark against the devastation upon the world . Just like a few will be safe under the care and blood of Jesus . They did not have the world press, or emergency weather reports  , or NASA,   or weather sirens , telescopes in space , we have all of this but still many are unaware. However we do have the best thing that one could ever want as a guide during these troubled times . The Bible the written word of God . God has also sent Ambassadors for Christ into the world ! Messengers with the message of good news ,a message of hope to the hopeless , that God became man threw virgin birth did what man could not do. Walk a 100% life that was pleasing to God and without sin took on the wages of sin ,which is death, and received the punishment of a sinner which is to be separated from God. On the cross He proclaimed My God,My God why have thy forsaken Me. Jesus knew His path in life was to die as a sacrifice for the world that separated itself from God in order to restore Gods design , to remove corruption , and restore true Fellowship between God and man back to when He walked with us in the cool of the day in the midst of the garden. Without the covering blood of Jesus Christ we will die in corruption eternally ,to the ones who remain in His blood and endure to the end in Him. satan will accuse of our wrongs being covered in Jesus blood God will proclaim forgiven.  Then corruption will take on incorruption  and the former things have passed never to be remembered again. Praise God your creator Jesus your Redeemer and The Holy Spirit that fills us leads us Guides us into all truth , The Holy Spirit that even as it covered the deep in Genesis chapter 1 covers the children of God now!
John 14:15= if you love Me keep My commandments . and I will pray to the Father ,and He will give you ANOTHER COMFOTER, that He may abide with you forever . Even the SPIRIT OF TRUTH whom the world cannot receive,because they cant see HIM . they do not know HIM , but you know HIM , for HE dwelleth with you , and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfort less , I will come to you.
Romans 8: 13 : for if you live by the flesh ,you shall die, but if threw the SPIRIT do mortify the deeds of the body you shall live.For as many as are lead by the SPIRIT OF GOD , they are the (SONS) OF GOD.Jesus even knew the manner of death He would die, and  the exact hour in which He would die. It is my belief that in a short life , 33 years there was nothing that would prepare Jesus for wages of a sinner .(to be cut off from the very presence ,  promises , and paradise of God)  it says that He prayed in the garden to God , and God withheld His voice from Him however did send an angel with a message for Him to strengthen  Him . Was He strengthened ? It states that He prayed even Harder till He sweat ed great drops of blood, never the less Father not My will , But thine be done.(read  Luke 22:43) so many times God talked to Jesus openly , and for the first time God with held His voice. Such sorrow He endured to save us and please the Father it is with that same love we are to love one another as Christ so loved us ,He was obedient unto death.  Gods love . Is an everlasting love . It flows from Father Gods throne , and rains down on us on earth below .Upon the good and bad it does flow.amos 5:19 in the days ahead and even now as the world grows darker and even the love of some grow colder, it is then the Psalmist Davids cry must echo Psalms 23:4 though we walk threw the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil . . . Because God is with us! 

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